Month: December 2023

Mike McClellan

Saturday Feb 17th – 7:30pm Bridgewater Arts Centre 407 Mount Barker Road, Bridgewater 5144 (opposite the General Store) If you thought Mike McClellan might be ready to give it away you’d be very wrong. Reviewing a recent McClellan album Trevor Leeden wrote, “Four decades has done nothing to erode McClellan’s strengths and on the evidence here he remains one of our finest acoustic singer-songwriters.” You begin to understand something of the extraordinary history that quote encompasses when you realise that he has been on stage, guitar in hand, since 1965. Universally known as The Song And Dance Man after his acclaimed 1974 hit, he’s hosted TV shows, had many of his songs covered around the world, recorded 10 albums, two of which went gold and played concerts to audiences all over Australia who have remained enthralled by the magic of his singing and playing ever since he first stepped intoRead more…Mike McClellan

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