During the month of October 2021, Bridgewater Arts Centre has a Festival of Pilgrimage including all the events below. The activities are coordinated by Janet Leitch, President of Australian Friends of the Camino.
Date | Event | Location |
Friday 1st Oct 7:30pm | Festival opening including: * Janet Leitch Chair of Australian Friends of the Camino, * Dan Mullins online from Sydney presenting a song and sharing some Camino highlights * Josh Teague – Member for Heysen *Viewing the exhibition. * A recorded tour of the exhibition on film for those unable to join us on the evening. URL to be advised. Please contact us for information. Here’s the Zoom link if you wish to join us live” http://tiny.cc/BUC-Sunday-Service | Bridgewater Arts Centre (BAC) 407 Mount Barker Road, Bridgewater SA |
Sat 2nd Oct 10-4pm | Pilgrimage exhibition – photos and wisdom from pilgrims over the ages | BAC |
10-4pm | Programme altered with apologies | Grace Lutheran Church 15 Wembley Avenue, Bridgewater |
7:30pm | Riversong and Friends (choir): Pilgrim songs across the ages Ticketed event with supper – by donation https://www.trybooking.com/BUEOM | The Village Well Aldgate Church of Christ 54 Strathablyn Road, Aldgate SA |
Sunday 3rd Oct 9:30am | Celebrating pilgrimage Church service | Bridgewater Uniting Church 407 Mount Barker Road, Bridgewater SA |
1-4pm | Pilgrimage exhibition – photos and wisdom from pilgrims over the ages | BAC |
Friday 8th Oct 7:30 | Panel Discussion “Spirituality and Pilgrimage” With pilgrims Trevor Whitney, Jeff May and Christa Megaw. Moderator: Phil Megaw | BAC |
Saturday 9th Oct 10am – 4pm | Pilgrimage exhibition – photos and wisdom from pilgrims over the ages | BAC |
6:45pm | Sunset Rock bush walk . You may choose to walk this before the movie. It takes 20 mins. | Sunset Rock Uniting Church 40 Spencer St, Stirling SA |
7pm | Movie – I’ll Push You Ticketed event by donation https://www.trybooking.com/BUCJB | Sunset Rock Uniting Church 40 Spencer St, Stirling SA |
Sunday 10th Oct 9:30am | To be a pilgrim Church service | Bridgewater Uniting 407 Mount Barker Road Bridgewater SA 5155 |
1-4pm | Pilgrimage exhibition – photos and wisdom from pilgrims over the ages | BAC |
2pm | Pilgrim Walk through Bridgewater Rec Reserve, Engelbrook Reserve, joining the Heysen Trail between Mylor and Bridgewater, back to Bridgewater. 2 hours. Guide is John Prowse. | Walking trails around Bridgewater. |
5pm | Program altered with apologies | |
Friday 15th Oct 1-4pm | Pilgrimage exhibition – photos and wisdom from pilgrims over the ages | BAC |
Saturday 16th Oct 10-4pm | Pilgrimage exhibition – photos and wisdom from pilgrims over the ages | BAC |
5pm | ‘Blister’ – play reading with Sarah Peters Ticketed entry by donation https://www.trybooking.com/BUEPI | BAC |
Sunday 17th Oct 1-4pm | Final opening and Celebration of the Pilgrimage Festival and Exhibition – photos and wisdom from pilgrims over the ages. Afternoon tea. | BAC |